Monday, December 31, 2012

The Year 2012

A year ago today, I had a Facebook status that said, "last year I had no idea where I would be but knew what changes were coming..this year know where I'll be but no idea what changes will come!" (please excuse the corniness, I am slightly ashamed of my 2011 self)

While the mere fact that I had a Facebook status says a lot about the changes of 2012, this status was actually very accurate.  I am still in the same physical place (ole South Mountain, also known as Lehigh University) but am by no means the same person I was at the end of 2011.  

2012 introduced me to new friends, difficult setbacks, lots of new experiences, and a realization of what I want to do for the rest of my life.  

Some highlights of the year...

Bid day-January 15
Sorority recruitment as a potential new member is extremely stressful, and I was anxious to get into a house that was a good fit and I would be happy in.  When I was handed my bid to Alpha Gamma Delta, I did get into such a house.  From celebrating with my friends in the morning about our respective bids to being picked up and meeting over 100 new sisters at the house, bid day was an exciting and overwhelming day.  

Lehigh beats Duke-March 16
When the NCAA brackets were released and we found out that Lehigh would be facing the powerhouse Duke in the first round of the tournament, many people saw it as a death wish.   I only basic knowledge about basketball but had a gut feeling that Lehigh was going to win. We watched the game at a fraternity and it was mass chaos when the clock ran out-people were screaming, hugging, and the fire alarm was going off.  We all ran out of the house and there was a mob of people on the hill, which ended up sprinting down to the front lawn.  Some of the chairs that are on the lawn were set on fire, and it was easily one of the best nights of my life.  

If you want to see what it was like, this YouTube video has a mob shouting "Levels", and this is a video I took after we won.  There is also an official Lehigh beat Duke rap, and this blog post by local Lehigh valley blogger "Lehigh Valley with Love" actually pretty well described what the campus was like after the win  (he was predicting what it would be like if we won).  

Visiting my friend Julia at Lehigh-June
One of my best friends lived at Lehigh over the summer and took classes, so I visited her one weekend.  We explored all parts of campus and found the way onto the roof at Linderman.  We went up to the sculpture garden and I spontaneously decided to walk through the fountain in front of Alumni Memorial.  


Alpha Gamma Delta Convention-July
I was lucky enough to be one of three members of my chapter to attend Alpha Gam International Convention this July.  It was amazing to meet women that I had an instant connection with because we knew and lived by the same purpose and ideals of the fraternity.  There were also lots of great workshops that helped me understand the workings of Alpha Gam and there were lots of great ideas that we have brought back to our chapter.  Plus, we got to explore St. Louis a little bit, and went to the top of the arch!

The view from the top of the arch

An unplanned week in Pittsburgh-October
I previously blogged about adventures in Pittsburgh during Sandy, and this unexpected week away with three of my best friends was one of the most memorable parts of the year.  

It was difficult to come up with a few concise, precise moments that "defined" 2012-it was a year of changes, but so many were gradual and so many of the moments that made this year great were tiny ones that added up.  There is no way to describe how I became best friends with thirty girls, almost all of whom I did not know at this point last year.  Or how a hobby became a major and potential career, or how the many decisions that I made, whether good ones or bad ones, affected the person I am today.  

So what's in store for 2013?

  • getting a new member class of Alpha Gam, and a little!
  • my 20th birthday (also the first birthday that I am in denial for, two decades is old)
  • Paris summer program (fingers crossed!)
  • starting my junior year of college...
  • my brother's high school graduation and college move-in

2012 in tweets
I am obsessed with Twitter, so I sorted through this my tweets this past year to find a few funny ones that sum up 2012.  

January 15-The last time I was this excited was when I decided to come to lehigh! #beyondhappy #ΑΓΔ

January 22-Sunday brunches at bone are probably my favorite part of the week

March 16th-Breathing is difficult #LEHIGH #UpsetCity (tweeted with about five minutes left in the Lehigh Duke game)

April 13-officially have downloaded call me maybe, the remix with levels, and the acoustic version. #toomuch#ithinknot

May 8-"how lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard" Winnie the Pooh. Thanks for an amazing year Lehigh

July 18-"After 7 hours, a confrontation with a Russian woman, and begging, pleading, and tears at the gate, I have finally landed in St Louis"

July 22-"Boarding group 7 basically sentences me to being "that girl" who can't find a spot to shove her huge Vera duffel #apologies"

July 28-"6 hour car ride home with my dad, aunt, uncle, two cousins, and two of my brothers. In the same car. #thiswillbefun"

August 2-"Crying from happiness, so happy for Gabby Douglas!!#lovedherfromtrials #TeamUSA #3allaroundsinarow"
August 21-"Lehigh bound tomorrow am! #unreal #finallyhere"

December 20-"if the world ends tom., I spent my last night blogging, eating banana bread, & reading art of war #iregretnothing #jokesseeyousaturdaymorning"

2012 was a great year, and I hope everyone has a happy new year and 2013!

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