Monday, February 4, 2013

Art Inspiration Mondays

Well, it's been a bit of a hiatus.  

2013 and spring semester kicked off a lot faster and busier than I anticipated.  A rushed last week at home led into a busy recruitment week, Big/Little week, and ensuing weeks of meetings, other obligations, and my usual frantic running from one thing to the next.  

But after a nice half weekend home (Thursday night to Saturday evening), and an extra long sleep last night because I was feeling sick, things feel a bit more on track.  

This week's Art Inspiration Monday is bold, which is because I need a little pick-me-up when feeling sluggish and uninspired.  

Picasso's "Woman in a Hat with Pom Poms and a Printed Blouse" is one of my absolute favorite pieces.  It isn't one of his most well-known works, but I was lucky enough to see it in person at the Met two summers ago.  It was part of a special Picasso exhibition, and it absolutely took my breath away.  

It is a linoleum cut made in 1962 and is believed to be inspired by his wife at the time, Jacqueline.  I love the bold colors, that she looks directly at the viewer, and despite disproportionate facial features and straw-like hair, she has a reserved confidence that I would like to emulate.  By the straw hat, unkempt hair, and rough material of her dress, she is clearly not a woman of status, but she appears proud of who she is.  

Happy Monday!

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