Monday, February 11, 2013

Not Another Bitter Rant: a Different Single Girl's Perspective on Valentine's Day

DISCLAIMER: this is not another one of those bitter single-girl rants. I can't stand when people do that, so I hope they stay off my social media timelines this week.  

I feel like Valentine's Day is very similar to New Year's Eve--hyped up by the media,  society, and retailers by how amazing, fun, and special the day is, but it always ends up being a let down.  I have never heard anyone say, "Oh my god, I had such a great New Year's!"  Likewise, I have never heard anyone said, "Wow, my Valentine's Day was so great."

Why is that?  If someone is in a relationship, it just did not live up to be the most romantic and special night of their lives, which is what it is expected to be.  And if you're single, then you did not receive a  dozen roses from an anonymous Lothario or the man you've been crushing on in class/the office/the gym/elsewhere did not suddenly profess his love to you. 

Sometimes I miss the Valentine's Day of elementary school, when everyone would send the paper cards that fold over and candy to everyone in their class.  In second grade I had N*SYNC cards and sent the Lance Bass ones to my closest friends and three crushes in the class and the Joey Kirkpatrick ones to the kids I didn't like so much, whoops.  I remember overanalyzing the cards the boys in class sent, and if he put a smiley face after his name it must mean that he was madly in love with me.  And in second grade terms, this meant he wanted to hold my hand in recess.  

This generation's N*SYNC cards.
Valentine's Day is much less of an event in college.  There will likely be a few extra people complaining that Lehigh isn't a dating school, some dates to Asian Bistro or Mama Nina's, and probably a Heaven and Hell themed party or something of the like.  

How will I be spending my Valentine's Day? I have a Senate meeting and exam that evening, so pretty much like any other night.  When the exam ends at 8:30, I don't know how I will spend the rest of my night, but I can guarantee it won't be with a bottle of wine in front of "The Notebook" or "When Harry Met Sally" (while those are two great movies).  I will not tweet about being "forever alone" and I refuse to wallow in the day that many of the single people in the world have decided is their day of mourning.  And I will absolutely not call it "Singles Awareness Day."

While I am single right now, I don't feel like there is any lack of love in my life.  I have my best friends and an amazing network of people at school plus an incredibly supportive and loving family at home.  

So this Valentine's Day, I am going to let them know how much I appreciate them being in my life, because that is what the heart of this holiday is all about (no pun intended).  Plus, I always love an excuse to craft.  

But in the spirit of the day, here are some of my favorite romantic clips from movies, TV shows, and YouTube. 

High Five for First Kiss

The Notebook, of course

When Harry Met Sally

The Parent Trap

So no, this scene from Gilmore Girls isn't exactly happy and romantic, but I bawled the first time I watched it and it is a great scene.  Also, none of the other Rory and Jess scenes I love were on YouTube. 

So many scenes in P.S. I Love You are great.

Happy (almost) Valentine's Day! 

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